Riso Arborio

This is one of the most popular rice varieties in Italy, thanks to its shape and texture. The plump grain rice maintains its consistency throughout cooking. During cooking, the heat penetrates the most peripheral area of the grain, leaving the central core (rich in starch) ‘al dente’. This is what makes it suitable for all types of risottos, which can be deliciously creamy, as well as for timbales and ‘supplì’ (Rome’s mozzarella-filled rice croquettes). Arborio rice is named after the town of the same name in Vercelli where it was first selected in 1946, derived from the Vialone cultivar. Even today, these areas of the Po Valley are the largest producers of Arborio rice.

  • Tillagning: 14-16 min
Riso Arborio

Vår metod

Uppmärksamhet, hänsyn, erfarenhet, kvalitet i alla faser: från kvarnen till ditt bord.

Val av vete

Att välja utmärkta råvaror är det första steget, det viktigaste, för att skapa en unik pasta.


Vi är mjölnare sedan nästan två århundraden: redan 1831 tillverkade don Nicola De Cecco ”det bästa mjölet i trakten” vid sin kvarn. Vi maler än idag allt vetet i kvarnen intill pastafabriken, som alltid omges av en intensiv behaglig doft.


Det kalla vattnet och bearbetningen av degen vid en temperatur under 15 grader: två detaljer, som tillåter oss att erhålla en pasta som respekterar råvaran.


Se grazie alla trafilatura la pasta prende forma, è la trafila ruvida a regalare alla nostra pasta quella porosità unica capace di catturare ogni condimento. Questa è una delle particolari procedure che abbiamo scelto con grande orgoglio.


En annan hemlighet med vår pasta är den långsamma torkningen och vid låg temperatur. Detta är vårt sätt att bibehålla vetets organoleptiska egenskaper oförändrade.

Det kan också intressera dig

Riso Arborio

This is one of the most popular rice varieties in Italy, thanks to its shape and texture. The plump grain rice maintains its consistency throughout cooking. During cooking, the heat penetrates the most peripheral area of the grain, leaving the central core (rich in starch) ‘al dente’. This is what makes it suitable for all types of risottos, which can be deliciously creamy, as well as for timbales and ‘supplì’ (Rome’s mozzarella-filled rice croquettes). Arborio rice is named after the town of the same name in Vercelli where it was first selected in 1946, derived from the Vialone cultivar. Even today, these areas of the Po Valley are the largest producers of Arborio rice.
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